Mag's Big List of HTML Editors
4W Publisher
- Author: Information Analytics
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: $250
- Current version: 2.20
- Homepage:
- Description: Formerly called Web Builder -- Web Builder 1.20c was renamed 4W Publisher 1.30. Allows you to create and maintain product catalogs in a database, and generates HTML pages, menus and keyword indexes. Demo version available.
Aardvark Pro
- Author: Functional Business Systems
- Platform(s): Windows 3.x, NT and Windows 95
- Availability: Shareware
- Current version: 2.0
- Homepage:
- Description: (Kevin Read says:) Aardvark has to be simply the best HTML editor available today. You'll find Wizards and shortcuts to make even the most complex pages a breeze. Aardvark keeps track of URLs and Images so you can insert links into your document with just a click. Aardvarks in-built preview function has to be seen to be believed, no need to launch those memory hungry browsers - do it all in Aardvark.
Almost Reality's HTML+ Editor
- Author: Peter T. Dixon
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.1 Beta Release
- Homepage:
- Description: In serious beta-testing mode (30 Aug 95), and seeking beta-testers. Editor currently handles most of HTML 3.0. Fully customizable; built-in Color Wizard, Form Wizard, Image Wizard. Has URL and File Bookmark systems to track files and URLs. Soon will include Table and Sound Wizards, long filenames, Win95 32-bit support.
- Author:
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Shareware, $30
- Current version: 6.01
- Homepage:
Note (9 Aug 95): FTP server at that URL says "At the moment everything is incorporated into Check back here in a couple weeks."
- Description: Plain text editor with modes for most common programming languages, and HTML. It is widely used and highly acclaimed by programmer types on the Mac.
- Author: Jill Swift
- Platform(s): MS Windows, Macintosh
- Availability:
- Current version: 2.2
- Homepage:
- Description: A template for Word 6.0 to facilitate HTML documents. ANT_PLUS also includes a number of other HTML conversion tools for converting Word documents to HTML.
Arachnid HTML
- Author: Tim Long (
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware
- Current version: 0.5a
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy to use HTML editor with advanced features for Netscape use. 0.5a is reported to be much improved over 0.4a. (Tim reports that it was originally written for use on a LAN, and so didn't run well on standalone machines.)
ASHE (A Simple HTML Editor)
BBEdit HTML extensions
- Author: Charles Bellver
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: release 10
- Homepage:
- Description: Extensions to the freeware/shareware editor BBEdit that allow for easy insertion of markup.
Bob's HTML Editor
- Author: Bob Matsuoka
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 2.2.1
- Homepage: ?
- Description: Plain text editor that simplifies and speeds the process of creating HTML files. Supports most of HTML 2.0, except forms, promised in future. Commands accessible via icons, menus, and palette. URLs and IMGs can be stored and pasted, and relative paths automatically generated. Does not enforce valid HTML syntax. Available at your favorite Info-Mac mirror site as /info-mac/text/html/bhe-221.hqx.
City University HTML Editor
- Author: Chad Matheson
- Platform(s): MS Windows NT/95
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.04
- Homepage:
- Description: HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0 and Netscape 1.1 Extensions HTML editor. Gives the user a clear indication of what type of HTML tag they are inserting. Still under development, but worth a look. Says the author: "The further development of the editor depends on the responses I get from people. So far the responses have been really great, and I would like as many more as I can get."
E-Publish Internet
- Author: Statute Technologies
- Platform(s): MS Windows/Win95
- Availability: AUD 375 (Aust & NZ), USD 299 (elsewhere)
- Current version: 3.1b
- Homepage:
- Description: E-Publish allows you to take Word for Windows or RTF source documents and produce Windows-based electronic documents or HTML documents. When producing HTML, E-Publish automatically converts graphics to GIF format and allows you to maintain hyperlinks with its hyperlink database. An time-limited trial pack is available from our Web site.
- Author: Mike Gebis, NCSA
- Platform(s): any platform with forms-capable Web browser
- Availability: Free
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description: A World Wide Web forms-based interactive editor for HTML files. Guides the user through the process of creating and editing an HTML document via a Web browser. Allows continual previewing of the document in progress and saving of the finished product to the user's local disk.
emacs hm--html-menus
emacs html-helper-mode
- Author: Nelson Minar
- Platform(s): Unix
- Availability: Free
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description: Also based on Marc Andreessen's html-mode, but with a different interface and many new features. The home page has lots of information about other useful tools for editing HTML in emacs.
- Author: Vermeer Technologies, Inc.
- Platform(s): MS Windows, Macintosh (not yet)
- Availability: Commercial, $695
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description: A visual client/server web publishing environment. Editor provides WYSIWYG editing, built-in spell checking, easy creation of links and clickable images, forms creation, image type conversion, and more. The editor is only one small component of this environment. Free 30-day evaluation copy available at the web site.
High Tea
- Author: Dr. R. (Stan) Stanier
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.9
- Homepage: ?
- Description: High Tea is (hopefully) a simple to use HTML editor that incorporates many of the latest HTML (& Netscape) extensions as well as most of the basic HTML tags that are currently in use.
- Author:
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.0b8
- Homepage: ?
- Description: HyperCard stack that prompts the user to fill in information appropriate for a personal home page. Automatically adds tags to the information and creates the HTML text file. Includes some Netscape enhancements. Available on your favorite Info-Mac archive as /info-mac/text/html/home-maker-10b8-hc.hqx.
- Author: Sausage Software
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, $29.95
- Current version: 1.0024
- Homepage:
- Description: Flexible and user-friendly HTML editor, widely acclaimed in the Net community. Supports Netscape extensions and HTML 3 elements.
HotDog Professional
- Author: Sausage Software
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial, $79.95
- Current version: Build 029
- Homepage:
- Description: Advantages over shareware version include unlimited file size; customizable toolbars, shortcuts, etc.; spelling checker; document templates.
- Author: SoftQuad, Inc.
- Platform(s): Macintosh, MS Windows, Unix
- Availability: Commercial, $195
- Current version: 1.0+
- Homepage:
- Description: Unsupported free version of HoTMetaL PRO. Includes plenty of features -- document templates, forms support, rules checking, cleanup of existing documents with bad markup.
- Author: SoftQuad, Inc.
- Platform(s): Macintosh, MS Windows, Unix
- Availability: Commercial, $195
- Current version: 2.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Import from many different formats. Supports most Netscape and HTML 3 extensions. Faster and smaller than version 1.0. Improved user interface. Enhanced URL support. Upgrade for $59.
HTML Assistant
HTML Author
- Author: Grahame S. Cooper
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 4.4
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy to use WYSIWYG editor built on top of MS Word for Windows.
HTML Easy!
- Author: Joe Lin
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Free (Shareware?)
- Current version: 1.3
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy to use HTML editor supporting many (all?) HTML 3.0 and Netscape features. Chinese version available.
HTML Editor
- Author: Rick Giles
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Shareware, $25
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Semi-WYSIWYG editor for HTML documents. As near as I can tell, it has not been maintained since late 1994, which means it may be a little outdated.
HTML Grinder
H.T.M.L. Handler
HTML HyperEdit
- Author: Lars.Olof Albertson, Information Office, Lund University, Sweden
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.1
- Homepage:
- Description: Description: Editor easy to work with as most of the commands are in palettes. Automatic formatting of RTF files. Tables. No form generator. FTP for saving files both on local Mac and unix server. Translates to ISO Latin by saving. Imported HTML files are translated to Mac characters. Global replace in all files in selected folder.
- Author: Niklas Frykholm
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Shareware, $5 (includes other software)
- Current version: 1.08
- Homepage:
- Description: WYSIWYG editor, nice interface. Does not support forms, tables, or Netscape enhancements. No Undo.
HTML SuperText
HTML Web Weaver
- Author: Dirk Terrell (
- Platform(s): OS/2
- Availability: Shareware, $20
- Current version: 1.32
- Homepage:
- Description: Makes editing HTML documents much easier by providing a "Tagbar" that inserts appropriate tags around text. Has user-definable tags and supports non-English characters. Previewing with Web Explorer also supported.
HTML Writer
- Author: Kris Nosack
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Donationware
- Current version: 0.9 Beta 4a
- Homepage:
- Description: Can edit any size file (unlike many Windows HTML Editors).
- Author: Murray Altheim
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.7
- Homepage:
- Description: Supports standard HTML 2.0, plus forms and tables. HTML.edit is a complete site editor, having many time-saving features for HTML coding and document management, including customizable elements, bidirectional text and entity translation tables, global and selection-only replacement, document preview and browsing (via URL, BASE, or hotlist).
- Author: Internet Software Technologies
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, $39
- Current version: 1.2e
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy to use HTML editor for Windows. Floating toolbars for foreign characters, customized compound tags. Reads, writes UNIX files, DOS files. "Will have HTML neophytes up and running quickly" -Windows Sources Magazine, August '95, p. 122.
HTMLed Pro
- Author: Internet Software Technologies
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial, $99.95; free demo available
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Edits LARGE files, color syntax highlighting, support for HTML 30. and Netscape extensions, WYSIWYG Form and Table Designers, imports RTF, reads/writes files to remote server via TCP/IP, background colors support using color palette.
- Author: Michael Korican
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Shareware, $5
- Current version: 1.1
- Homepage: ?
- Description: A HyperCard HTML editor. From the Info-Mac digest blurb: "Using HyperCard, htmlSketcher helps you visualize the presentation of information one screen at a time. One click of a button then automatically produces rudimentary html pages, ready for further mark-up. No knowledge of html coding is required!" Info-Mac archive path is /info-mac/text/html/html-sketche-11-hc.hqx.
- Author: Tom Kimpton
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free?
- Current version:
- Homepage: ?
- Description: A menu tool for the MPW editor; adds HTML and FORMS menus with commands for performing common HTML formatting operations. E.g., cmd-opt-P puts <P></P> around the selected text. Available on your favorite Info-Mac archive as /info-mac/text/html/html-tool.hqx.
Hype-It 1000
- Author: Cykic Software
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description: Server software with HTML editor, built-in database, report generator, and STMP email connections
Internet Assistant
Jon's HTML Editor
<Live Markup>
- Author: NaviSoft
- Platform(s): Macintosh, MS Windows, SunOS
- Availability: Commercial, $99
- Current version: 1.01
- Homepage:
- Description: Integrated web browsing and WYSIWYG authoring.
- Mag's Notes: (Comments on Mac Pre-Release version 1.0.) Drag and drop editing. Good WYSIWYG. Doesn't allow heinous HTML. Windowing bug in Show HTML feature (eventually crashed). Does not support tables.
Ned's Speedy HTML Markup Maker
- Author: Ned (of course) Gerhart
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 2.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy-to-use text editor with multiple document user interface. Tags and text are added to documents via buttons on toolbars. Additional toolbars are provided for creating html forms and adding special character entities. It's quick, it's easy, and it's got everything most people will ever need for developing handsome, functional web pages.
Personal Web Weaver for HTML
Simple HTML Editor (S H E)
- Author: PCLT (Howard Gilbert?)
- Platform(s): OS/2
- Availability:
- Current version:
- Homepage: ?
- Description: SpHyDir is an Object Oriented tool that builds documents for Web Browsers such as Netscape, Mosaic, and Web Explorer. With SpHyDir the user concentrates on the important issues of content and overall document structure. Since SpHyDir automatically generates the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), it is possible to generate flawless Web documents without studying obscure syntax diagrams.
- Author: InContext Systems
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial, $99; free demo available
- Current version: 1.0 (1.1 in beta)
- Homepage:
- Description: CCI-based editing environment works interactively with Spyglass and NCSA Mosaic for online hyperlinking and viewing. Full validation of HTML via SGML parsing. Supports multiple DTDs. Context-sensitive HTML help. Includes many document templates. Coming 1.1 features: integration with Netscape Navigator, word processing import, toolbar bubble help, enhanced import features, more free home page templates and clip art.
- Author: Grif S.A.
- Platform(s): Sun, HP, RS6000 now; more later
- Availability:
- Current version: beta
- Homepage:
- Description: A WYSIWYG Web Editor that lets you edit documents from the Web. Enforces correct document structure. Multilingual spell-checking and hyphenation. Grif makes a variety of SGML-related authoring tools.
- Author: Bill Joy
- Platform(s): Unix (et al, various ports exist)
- Availability: Free
- Current version: ?
- Homepage:
- Description: God's gift to text editing. I've seen a nice-looking collection of HTML macros for vi somewhere. I just need to find them again... Can anyone give me a URL?
- Author: Roberto J. Rodrigues
- Platform(s): MS Windows, Windows 95
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 2.0a
- Homepage:
- Description: HTML 3.0 editor with mapedit and GIF viewer.
Web Builder
- Author: Information Analytics
- Description: Renamed 4W Publisher; see above.
Web Publisher
- Author: SkiSoft
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial (30-day free trial available)
- Current version: 1.1
- Homepage:
- Description: Automated production tool for the World Wide Web and HTML. Allows you to seamlessly convert and enhance documents built with standard word processing software.
Web Spinner
- Author: FLFSoft, Inc.
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, $29
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description: HTML insertion by highlighting text and clicking on toolbars or menu items. Popup dialogs for attributes.
Web Warrior
- Author: Timothy Paustian and John Dunning
- Platform(s): Macintosh
- Availability: Free
- Current version: 1.0a11
- Homepage:
- Description: Supports most HTML tags including forms and tables. Drag-and-drop creation of links to other documents and images. Extensive command-key equivalents for folks who like to keep their fingers on the keyboard. Does not enforce HTML structure. In alpha release, but stable, and the author appreciates feedback.
Web Weaver
- Author: Mark McConnell
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, $8
- Current version: 4.0c
- Homepage:
- Description: Easy to use HTML authoring tool including many Netscape extensions, HTML code, etc.
WEB Wizard: The Duke of URL
- Author: David Geller, ARTA Software Group
- Platform(s): MS Windows (3.1 and 95)
- Availability: Shareware, $10
- Current version: 1.2
- Homepage:
- Description: Interactive home page creation -- you answer it some questions, it builds you an HTML file. Very user-friendly interface. Can't do very fancy HTML, but then, it isn't supposed to.
- Author: Quarterdeck
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Commercial
- Current version: 2.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Full HTML 2.0 support including forms. GIF support. Many non-2.0 tags including Netscape and 3.0 recognized.
- Author: Cerebral Systems Development Corp.
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, $30
- Current version: 1.0b
- Homepage:
- Description: Fully-validating editor with SGML-compliant parser. Supports drag and drop editing and multilevel undo and redo. Full-featured help system includes description of HTML 2.0 tags and attributes. Tag assistants for creating anchors, forms, images, tables. Registration gets you support for HTML 3.0 and Netscape extensions. Table editor for easy creation of tables.
- Author: Kevin Read
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability:
- Current version: 1.2.1
- Homepage:
- Description: Full featured HTML editor. HTML 3.0 support. Import and export. New features (since beta versions) include plug-ins, more forms commands, recent files browser and undo facilities. Built-in preview feature -- no browser necessary.
Kenn Nesbitt's WebEdit
- Author: Kenn Nesbitt (Nesbitt Software)
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware, commercial $79.95, students and non-profit $39.95
- Current version: 1.3
- Homepage:
- Description: Includes support for every feature of HTML 1 and 2, plus most of HTML 3. Unregistered version doesn't have all the toolbars, but is fully functional. Unregistered version can't handle big files (can registered version?).
- Author: Q&D Software Development
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Shareware
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description:
- Author: IT Solutions
- Platform(s): NEXTSTEP (Intel, SPARC, HP-PA RISC, and Motorola)
- Availability: Commercial, $495
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description:
- Author: ProActive Consumer Services
- Platform(s): MS Windows 3.1/3.11
- Availability: Shareware, Commercial $30
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description: Shareware version differs from commercial only in limiting (quite severely) the size of text files handled. Focus is in merging text files of any size to Web page templates with a minimum of procedures. Maintain and update your page content offline with your favorite word processor, then process pages of absolutely huge proportions in just a few seconds. Ideal for Web administrators looking for a quick and easy way to get lots of information online with the minimum fuss. Also useful for non-programmers who just want a template-based system that does all the thinking for them.
- Author: ?
- Platform(s): Unix?
- Availability: Free?
- Current version: ?
- Homepage:
- Description: Macro kit using m4 to help build and maintain HTML files easily. Use your favorite text editor to create named links, images, ruling lines, bullets, lists, etc. that you can refer to, instead of clumsy hard-to-maintain markup code.
- Author: John Blumel
- Platform(s): OS/2
- Availability: Shareware, $30
- Current version: 1.0
- Homepage:
- Description: Full support is provided for HTML 2.0 tags and character entities as well as a user defined tag capability allowing you to add new tags as they are introduced or to create your own customized elements. Multi-threaded design allows you to open and edit multiple HTML documents simultaneously. Documents can be previewed from WebWriter/2 using either IBM's WebExplorer or another WWW client including Netscape. It's also available at
WordPerfect Internet Publisher
- Author: WordPerfect/Novell
- Platform(s): MS Windows
- Availability: Free
- Current version:
- Homepage:
- Description: A free add-on to WordPerfect 6.1 that allows users to create HTML documents. Includes Netscape.


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